Mind & Soul: Healing Art Box
From our Mind & Soul Collection, The Healing Art Box applies art therapeutics to the healing process. We all experience emotional distress at some point in our lives. Through loss (human or pet), depression and life's disruptions, our healing art supplies provide a safe outlet for reducing stress and aiding in emotional healing. No prior artistic experience is necessary, as this healing art kit comes with easy and exploratory projects, that encourage self expression through oil pastel and watercolor. There is no right or wrong way to produce art and the Healing Art Box is designed to aid in your comfort during a difficult time.
The Mind & Soul Collection is designed to aid in the healing process with creative ideas for any age. Combine with in our Wellness Accessory Pack & create a path to a healing journey. Contact us with any questions.
If you’ve purchased this kit and love memorial craft ideas, consider choosing our Wellness Remembrance Box next to support your journey to peace. For those who would like to have both boxes, consider bundling with the Healing & Remembrance Bundle Art Box that combines this box with the Wellness Healing Box.