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Joy Of Creating With I Create Art

Joy Of Creating With I Create Art

At I Create Art, there is a special part of our process in finalizing each set of projects. We take time to personally do each project, allowing us to refine any last details.

Recently, after a few hectic days, I sat down to work through a set of upcoming projects. After awhile, I realized I had completely lost track of time and was purely engaged in doing my art.  My body had become totally relaxed and I was intimately focused.  How my brush flowed across the page with a little or a lot of water, how light and dark shades were created by how much pressure I applied with the colored pencil.  It wasn’t until later I got thinking…… how important it is not to miss the pure joy of doing something you love. In my case, art but really, any activity for that matter.

Get lost in the process. Renew learning, being experimental. If we look back at two great artist Michelangelo and Vincent Van Gogh, they both created their art for the pure joy it brought them. Can you image the pain staking years and work it took to paint the Sistine Chapel ceiling or the struggle Van Gogh must have endured to survive on virtually no money from his art. Try our Art Masters Theme Box for more inspiration.

Let’s not forget the best part of what art offers to us - the simple and pure joy of doing art.

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